
Friday, August 20, 2010


Besides the issue of price, maybe the next most important part of selling your home is what we marketing people call "merchandising". Merchandising with regard to the sale of your home is what you do to contribute to the sale, or, in other words, how you make your home as absolutely attractive as possible! Now, you may be thinking that pictures of you or your grandkids are extremely attractive, but...I'm going to just go ahead and say...YOU and YOUR FAMILY are the only ones who think so. (Ouch, I know.) But, seriously, TAKE THEM DOWN!!
Merchandising is all about little things like these that will make a HUGE difference in the way your home appeals to the potential buyer taking a look.

I've composed a list of what I believe to be the TOP 10 Merchandising Tips. Take a look, and take my advice!

1. First Impressions Count!

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so look at your home’s exterior with a critical eye. Mow the lawn, trim the shrubs, and tidy up the front porch.

2. Start with a Clean Slate

Take the time to clean the kitchen, bathrooms, and living room. Potential buyers would rather see how great your home really looks than hear how great it could look.

3. Everything Has its Place

Remember, propects are not only looking for comfortable living space, but plenty of storage space. Check the attic, garage, and all of the closets, making sure they are all neat and free of clutter. Invest here or here.

4. Make your Bathroom Shine, Shine, Shine

As crazy as it sounds, bathrooms sell homes, so let them shine! Check and repair areas that may need caulk. Display your best towels, mats and shower curtains.

5. Peel Back those Blinds

Let the sun shine in! Pull open your curtains, drapes, or blinds so prospects can see how bright and cheery your home is. The more light, the better atmosphere.

6. Be it Ever so Humble…

No matter how humble your abode, never apologize for its shortcomings. And if a prospect volunteers a derogatory comment, bite your tongue. You do not want to scare away a potential buyer forever.

7. Pets May Pose Problems

Dogs and cats can easily get in the way when showing your home. Try to be considerate and keep them outside, at a neighbor’s house, or in their kennel.

8. Too Much of a Good Thing

Put personal collections away someplace safe. They often take up tons of space and can easily make a room feel cluttered.

9. Check the Temperature

Now is NOT the time to be worried about the utility bill. If it’s warm or cool outside, adjust the temperature accordingly. You want to give your buyer more of a reason to linger, especially on those hot and cold days.

10. Play Down the Scent

Many people are allergic to certain scents and deodorizers. Don’t overdo it with candles and perfumes. Your home should have a fresh scent, not anything overwhelming. Try this.

Ok, I think that about gets it! Whether selling your home yourself, or with a licensed REALTOR, swallow the knot in your throat, do a few things to make your home look its best, and SELL IT!


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